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Tsunami: Wave of Disaster
A film on the disastrous Asian tsunami of 2004 told through the stories of the survivors.
Client: BBC One, Diverse TV UK, FBC
Channel: BBC One, Doordarshan
Direction/Camera (A&N): Anirban Dutta Gupta
Duration: 90 Minutes
Format: Digibeta/HDV PAL
Date: 2006
A film on the disastrous Asian tsunami of 2004 told through the stories of the survivors - from the Onge tribals of remote Little Andaman Island through Thailand, Indonesia, along the coast of India and finally in Sri Lanka. I was involved in shooting the sensitive Andaman & Nicobar segment of this film. This film was nominated for Emmy Awards and won the BAFTA Award.
In the jungle
Dr.Vishvajit Pandya with Ongee
Damaged shelter, Dugong Creek
Onge child with face painted
Police outpost, Dugong Creek
Police Outpost, Dugong Creek
Destroyed settlement
Abandonded settlement
Ongee family
Destroyed Radio shack
Destroyed infirmary
Police outpost, Dugong Creek
Destroyed building
Jungle, Little Andaman
Destroyed buildings
Ongee lady with beetel stained teeth
Approaching storm
Shooting face painting
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