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Man Vs Animal
Film on the human and animal conflicts that exist in various parts of India and the steps taken to reduce it.
Client: Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt, of India
Channel: National Geographic & Fox History
Direction: Priyanka Kuriakose
Camera: Anirban Dutta Gupta
Duration: 45 Minutes
Format: HDV PAL (Sony Z1 Footage)
Date: 2012
This film looks at the causes and consequences of human and animal conflict on a pan India scale - from the elephant conflight in the North Eastern states to bear, leopard and tiger conflict in Central India and the fight for grazing grounds in Western India. This film was shortlisted for Wildscreen 2012.

Leopard in close up

Loading blanks to scare elephants

Sunrise over Tadoba

Elephant raiding crops.jpg

Dawn patrol to find traps


Langurs at Tadoba

Tiger god worship at Tadoba

Tigress at Tadoba

Skins confiscated from poachers

Elephant attack victim

Sunrise over Tadoba

Vigil at night

Elephant raid on tea garden


Repairing hut after elephant raid

Waiting for conflict victim

Awareness camp, Tadoba

Assam village

Skins confiscated from poachers


Firing blanks to scare elephants

Raid on crops

Sunset over Kaziranga.jpg


Bear attack survivor

Electric wiring

Villagers chase away elephants

Blackbuck at Velavadar

Elephant chased away

Blackbuck herd at Velavadar

Agricultural fields, Gujarat

Elephants in Kaziranga


Forest Guards before patrol

elephants raiding tea garden

Elephant in 'musth'

Digging out poacher traps
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